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Brand Partner: Sign up

Partner with Influencer Day and Unlock Your Brand’s Potential

Influencer Day is a premier networking event designed to connect industry-leading brands with top-tier social media influencers. By partnering with Influencer Day, your brand gains unparalleled access to a highly engaged audience and the opportunity to forge strategic partnerships with influential tastemakers.

Why Partner with Influencer Day?

  • Unmatched Brand Exposure: Reach a massive audience of potential customers through our network of influential social media personalities.
  • Targeted Audience: Connect with your ideal customer demographic through carefully curated influencer partnerships.
  • Boost Brand Awareness: Increase visibility and recognition for your brand within the target market.
  • Generate Leads and Sales: Drive traffic to your website and increase conversions through influencer endorsements.
  • Build Strong Brand Relationships: Foster long-term partnerships with key influencers to create lasting brand loyalty.
  • Stay Ahead of the Competition: Position your brand as a leader in the industry through early adoption of influencer marketing trends.

Partnership Benefits

  • Dedicated Brand Table: Showcase your products and services to a captive audience of influencers and potential customers.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry peers and build valuable relationships.
  • Exclusive Brand Gifting: Provide branded merchandise or samples to influencers as a token of appreciation.
  • Social Media Amplification: Leverage our strong social media presence to promote your brand and event participation.
  • Post-Event Analytics: Gain insights into event performance and ROI through detailed analytics.

Partnership Levels

We offer various partnership levels to suit your brand’s needs and budget:

  • Diamond Partner: Highest level of visibility and engagement. Includes premium table placement, exclusive brand gifting, and dedicated influencer meet-and-greet.
  • Platinum Partner: Strong brand presence and networking opportunities. Includes prominent table placement and exclusive brand gifting.
  • Gold Partner: Solid brand exposure and networking opportunities. Includes standard table placement and general brand gifting.
  • Silver Partner: Basic brand visibility and networking opportunities. Includes shared table placement and general brand gifting.

Partnership Commitment

To secure a partnership, please complete the enclosed brand partner sign-up form and return it to us by August 2024. A limited number of partnerships are available, so early sign-up is encouraged.

Partnering with Influencer Day is an investment in your brand’s future. By joining forces with us, you gain access to a powerful platform to connect with your target audience and drive business growth. We look forward to partnering with you!

Sign up Form:

    Working Hours

    Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM

    Saturday: 9 AM – 4 PM

    Sunday: Closed

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